Thal On The Rocks
Cocktail Recipe

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Cocktail Ingredients:
1. Lime Juice - 1 dash
2. Ice - 3
3. Tonic Water - fill
4. Creme de Cassis - 1 cl
5. Absolut Vodka - 4 cl
6. Gin - 2 cl
7. Schweppes Lemon - fill

Cocktail Mixing Instructions:

Take the highball, put in 3 to 4 ice cubes, add 1 cl of crème de cassis (not cooled), then 4 cl of preferably Absolut Vodka along with 2 cl of Gordon's Dry. Fill in the glass with equal parts of bitter lemon and tonic water, pour and squeeze in one fourth of a lime. Garnish with a pair of cherries, one in, one outside the glass.

Serve in a Favorite Glass

Thal On The Rocks in a Favorite Glass