A Real Iced Tea #2
Cocktail Recipe

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Cocktail Ingredients:
1. Vodka - 3/4 oz.
2. Rum - 3/4 oz.
3. Triple Sec - 1/2 oz.
4. Sour Mix - Splash
5. Lemon Wedge - _
6. Jose Cuervo Tequila - 3/4 oz.
7. Gin - 3/4 oz.
8. Coca Cola - Splash
9. Cranberry Juice - Splash

Cocktail Mixing Instructions:

Shake vodka, gin, rum, tequila, and triple sec and pour into glass. Add cranberry juice, sour mix, Coke and garnish with lemon wedge.

Serve in a Favorite Glass

A Real Iced Tea #2 in a Favorite Glass